Statesmen and stature: click image for graphic

François Hollande will step into Nicolas Sarkozy's shoes today when he is sworn in at the Elysée palace, becoming France's first socialist leader in nearly 20 years. But how does he compare to the past leaders in terms of height?

Last year we were told stature really does matter according to a scientific paper published in Social Science Quarterly.

It was an opportunity too good to pass up so we compared the heights of various leaders from different countries and eras. Now we have a new leader in the pack we're asking once again how tall really are our leaders? We've also compared them to the average height of statesmen of their country over the last 40 years.

At 5ft 7ins, Hollande is two inches taller than Sarkozy but also two inches shorter than the average height for French leaders of the past 40 years. Both David Cameron and Barack Obama beat the average height, standing tall at 6ft 1. As the first female Chancellor of Germany, it's not suprising that Angela Merkel stands 5 inches shorter than the average height for German leaders.

In the scientific paper published last year psychologists from Texas Tech University found in a study that almost two-thirds of participants showed a preference to draw larger figures when asked to draw images of leaders. An evolutionary throwback has been suggested as the root of this. Nic Fleming wrote:

It is not for nothing that top politicians are known as political giants or "big beasts". Voters see tall politicians as better suited for leadership, according to a survey of how people visualise their leaders. Psychologists believe the bias may stem from an evolved preference for physically imposing chiefs who could dominate enemies.

Cameron, Obama and Hollande have all beaten shorter candidates in past elections – Gordon Brown at 5ft 11ins, John McCain at 5ft 8ins and Sarkozy at 5ft 5ins.

The work, published by Dr Gregg Murray and J. David Schmitz, found evidence that would suggest physical stature affects people's preferences for political leadership. The paper entitled 'Caveman Politics' on evolutionary psychology relates it back to ideas and beliefs gleaned from our prehistoric ancestors.

Well, apart from Cameron, Obama and Canada's Stephen Harper who all come in at over six foot there are some current political leaders who are rather more diminutive. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is placed at somewhere around the 5ft 2ins mark.

America certainly seem to be following the rule with all but one of the US presidents in our list coming in at six foot or over. The UK have rather a mixed bag from Margaret Thatcher (5ft 5ins) and Winston Churchill (5ft 6ins) to Robert Gascoyne-Cecil who is believed to have been 6ft 4ins.

The table below shows a selection of world leaders, past and present, and their stature. Those in bold are current leaders.

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• This article was amended on 7 February 2014 to remove a duplication of François Hollande in the table and spreadsheet which incorrectly named him as a German leader as well as the current President of France.

Data summary

Heights of leaders - past and present

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Height, Cm

Height, Feet and inches (rounded to nearest)

Country (leader of )

Abdelaziz Bouteflika1595'2Algeria
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner1645'4Argentina
Julia Eileen Gillard1665'5Australia
Stephen Harper1886'2Canada
Fidel Castro1906'3Cuba
Tarja Halonen1725'8Finland
François Hollande1705'7France
Nicolas Sarkozy1655'5France
Jacques Chirac1896'2France
François Mitterrand1725'7France
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing1896'2France
Georges Pompidou1815'11France
Charles de Gaulle1966'5France
Angela Merkel1655'5Germany
Gerhard Schröder1745'8Germany
Helmut Kohl1936'4Germany
Adolf Hitler1735'8Germany
Viktor Orban1745'8Hungary
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad1575'2Iran
Saddam Hussein1886'2Iraq
David Ben Gurion1525'0Israel
Silvio Berlusconi1655'5Italy
Benito Mussolini1695'6Italy
Yasuo Fukuda1695'6Japan
Kim Yong Ill1605'3Korea (North)
Muammar Gaddafi1836'0Libya
Benito Juarez1374'6Mexico
Josef Stalin1655'5Russia
Dmitry Medvedev1635'4Russia
Vladimir Putin1705'7Russia
Boris Yeltsin1876'1Russia
Vladimir Lenin1655'5Russia
Tony Blair1836'0UK
David Cameron1856'1UK
Winston Churchill1685'6UK
Gordon Brown1805'11UK
Nick Clegg1856'1UK
Margaret Thatcher1655'5UK
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil1936'4UK
Sir Alec Douglas-Home1856'1UK
James Callaghan1856'1UK
Edward Heath1836'0UK
John Major1805'11UK
Queen Elizabeth II1635'4UK
Harold Wilson1735'8UK
George W. Bush1825'11USA
Barack Obama1856'1USA
John F Kennedy1836'0USA
George Washington1876'2USA
Abraham Lincoln1936'4USA
Ronald Reagan1856'1USA
Bill Clinton1846'2USA
George H.W Bush1886'2USA
Gerald Ford1836'0USA
Richard Nixon1825'11USA
Hugo Chávez1735'8Venezuela

DATA: download the full spreadsheet

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