'We grew up quite nicely and I'm not embarrassed about enjoying myself in St Tropez': Instagram 'rich kid' hits back against gallery displaying their lavish lifestyles



One of the 'Rich Kids of Instagram' took time out of her vacation in St. Tropez to say that she finds her newfound Tumblr fame 'very embarrassing'.

Annabel Schwartz, a 19-year-old university student and fashion designer, said that word of the Tumblr reached her in the south of France and while she doesn't like the attention, she isn't ashamed of her behavior.

'We all grew up quite nicely but I don't want to be embarrassed by the fact that I can enjoy myself in Saint-Tropez,' she told Good Morning America's website.

'Welcome to St Tropez': Annabel Schwartz is pictured here with her friends and this Instagramed photo was posted on a popular Tumblr and now has her striking back

'Welcome to St Tropez': Annabel Schwartz is pictured here with her friends and this Instagramed photo was posted on a popular Tumblr and now has her striking back

On the inside: One of Ms Schwartz's friends tagged her in this photo, which was captioned 'Because sitting in a car hungover just took too much effort #sttropez #welcometosttropez'

On the inside: One of Ms Schwartz's friends tagged her in this photo, which was captioned 'Because sitting in a car hungover just took too much effort #sttropez #welcometosttropez'

'Everyone here considers themselves to be a lot more substantial than their father's credit card. I'm a fashion designer. My girlfriend goes to Cornell. I don't want to be represented by my money and my vacation experiences.'

Right now, however, the vacation experiences of Ms Schwartz and similarly deemed 'rich kids' have become a source of voyeuristic pleasure for many who enjoy looking at young men and women living the high life on private planes and taking swigs of top-shelf champagne.

'We took a vacation to have a nice time to enjoy ourselves. Not to make us splash on an Internet page,' she told the site.

'These pictures are meant for our friends and a joke and for us to keep a memory and not for the world to watch.'

In focus: Ms Schwartz, 19, is a sophomore at the University of Miami and has her own fashion line called Sibling Rivalry In focus: Ms Schwartz, 19, is a sophomore at the University of Miami and has her own fashion line called Sibling Rivalry

In focus: Ms Schwartz, 19, is a sophomore at the University of Miami and has a fashion line- Sibling Rivalry

MS Schwartz, a New York native who is a sophomore at the University of Miami, launched her own fashion line earlier this season and she is clearly targeting a wealthy audience with her price point.

Sibling Rivalry is the name of her fashion line and their website sells eight items, all ranging in price from $198 for a blue mini-romper to $695 for two different evening gowns. Ms Schwartz was seen wearing one of the two gowns at the launch party for her line.

The fashion line came as a way for Ms Schwartz, one of the two daughters in a family of five children, to differentiate herself from the crowd.

'In this household of vastly different personalities, Annabel's exuberant and outgoing characteristics became a target for "sibling rivalry". Thus came her need to develop a business at an early age that would prove her capabilities in the eyes of the family,' her line's site explains.

Family: Ms Schwarts is seen here with her mother Carol-Ann Ross at the launch party of her high-end fashion line Sibling Rivalry

Family: Ms Schwarts is seen here with her mother Carol-Ann Ross at the launch party of her high-end fashion line Sibling Rivalry

A fan of the water: Ms Schwartz seems to be an avid traveler, as seen in other social media pictures A fan of the water: Ms Schwartz seems to be an avid traveler, as seen in other social media pictures

A fan of the water: Ms Schwartz seems to be an avid traveler, as seen in other social media pictures

Unapologetic: Ms Schwartz said that she has no idea who started the Tumblr but would like for the pictures to be taken down because it is not 'attractive publicity'

Unapologetic: Ms Schwartz said that she has no idea who started the Tumblr but would like for the pictures to be taken down because it is not 'attractive publicity'

Though the recent Instagram photos of Ms Schwartz which were picked up by the Tumblr both show the young woman living a glamorous life of late- with one picture of her and four friends outside of a helicopter upon their arrival in St. Tropez, and another snapped by a friend that tagged her while inside said helicopter- it seems she has enjoyed the high-life for some time.

Sibling Rivalry's explanation points to her 'life growing up in New York City in a very fashionable and social scene' as inspiration for the line.

She has also been photographed frequently by Partick McMullen, a photographer who frequently covers the most prestigious social events of the city's calendar.

Ms Schwartz was clear, however, to point out that her newfound Tumblr celebrity is uninivited.

Travels: Ms Schwartz was also tagged in this photo, which the person posted with the caption clarifying that it was taken off Mykonos, a Greek isle

Travels: Ms Schwartz was also tagged in this photo, which the person posted with the caption clarifying that it was taken off Mykonos, a Greek isle

Flying the friendly skies: Donald Trump's daughter Tiffany Tweeted this picture of the family jet

Flying the friendly skies: Donald Trump's daughter Tiffany Tweeted this picture of the family jet

Famous faces: Barron Hilton- Paris and Nicky's younger brother- is seen escorting a young blonde on the beach in the Hamptons

Famous faces: Barron Hilton- Paris and Nicky's younger brother- is seen escorting a young blonde on the beach in the Hamptons

'I have no idea who created this Tumblr,' she told GoodMorningAmerica.com.

'If this can be taken down, I think we'd all be a little bit thrilled. This isn't attractive publicity.'

Ms Schwartz is not the only subject to be placed under the microscope of the internet and into the gold frames on the Tumblr.

With all things opulent and expensive, it comes as no surprise that there is a Trump involved.

In one of the pictures, Tiffany Trump posted a collage of a picture showing the family’s private jet, with a shot looking out at the glorious sunset, one from inside the cockpit, and one of the plane’s exterior, proudly displaying the family’s name on the plane’s fuselage.

Apparently the world of the wealthy is a small one, as Ms Schwartz's public Twitter page shows an exchange between the two young ladies.

Enjoying life: This young lady appears to be living the good life, and knowing how to celebrate

Enjoying life: This young lady appears to be living the good life, and knowing how to celebrate

Hitting the open seas: These young ladies are two of the Rich Kids of Instagram who have taken to the photo-sharing app to show their gilded lifestyle

Hitting the open seas: These young ladies are two of the Rich Kids of Instagram who have taken to the photo-sharing app to show their gilded lifestyle

Playgrounds for the rich: This young man can't contain his excitement after getting off the private jet in the Hamptons

Playgrounds for the rich: This young man can't contain his excitement after getting off the private jet in the Hamptons

Food and fashion: This young man forgoes Burger King's traditional beverages for champagne (left) and this other gentleman proudly displays his Tom Ford tux (right) Food and fashion: This young man forgoes Burger King's traditional beverages for champagne (left) and this other gentleman proudly displays his Tom Ford tux (right)

Food and fashion: This young man forgoes Burger King's traditional beverages for champagne (left) and this other gentleman proudly displays his Tom Ford tux (right)

Ms Schwartz writes: 'Me: babe who do you think you are you cant park like this. Your name means nothing here. @tiffanyatrump: just give them my name.'

Another famous hotel family is represented in the collection, as Barron Hilton is seen strolling along a beach in the Hamptons with a bikini-clad blonde.

Unsurprisingly, a number of the photos show people arriving in the Hamptons (it is summer after all).

Other summer destinations of the one-percenter’s progenies include mansions with picturesque pools and yachts setting sail on the open seas.

No need for extra filters on these glossy scenes: teens coming out of private jets, proudly displaying hot pink Bentleys and ‘best friend’ presents of Porsches.

The appeal of getting an inner glimpse at these exclusive escapades is clearly a foray into voyeurism, but the site itself puts it most simply in their description, writing ‘They have more money than you do and this is what they do.’

Lazy days: All white attire is required when helping friends go for a paddle around the garden lake

Lazy days: All white attire is required when helping friends go for a paddle around the garden lake

Beverages everywhere: Wheterh it is beer in the helicopter (left) or champagne in your terrycloth (right), booze is prevalent Beverages everywhere: Whether it is beer in the helicopter (left) or champagne in your terrycloth (right), booze is prevalent

Beverages everywhere: Whether it is beer in the helicopter (left) or champagne in your terrycloth (right), booze is prevalent in the world of the rich and famous

Time is of the essence: By using helicopters (above) and private jets, you don't have to wait in normal lines

Time is of the essence: By using helicopters (above) and private jets, you don't have to wait in normal lines

Riding in personalized style: This young lady is happily pictured next to her special edition pink Bentley

Riding in personalized style: This young lady is happily pictured next to her special edition pink Bentley

Home at last: This user described the seen as 'Sunday BBQ', even though there is no food in sight

Home at last: This user described the seen as 'Sunday BBQ', even though there is no food in sight
