Oprah Winfrey took swift action when her production company got a tip that Josh Duggar had molested young girls, including some of his sisters, refusing to go through with a scheduled appearance on her talk show.

As we reported, the first tip about Josh Duggar was sent to a staffer at Harpo. The email was received on December 7, 2006 at 6:30 AM. The email not only refers to the molestation, the author also claims Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up.

Oprah's people sent the email to a child abuse hotline.

The Duggars were already in Chicago for the taping, which was scheduled within a day of the email. Oprah's staff jumped so quickly, we've learned at 1:17 PM the same day, an Arkansas State Police officer contacted Michelle, telling her she needed to bring Josh back home immediately for an interview.

Turns out there was no conflict, because Oprah's people immediately cancelled the taping and sent the family home.

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