Minnie Driver's got serious beef with her nextdoor neighbor, and she says their confrontations have gotten so heated ... she had to go to court to force him to stay away.

Driver got a restraining order against Daniel Perelmutter in Los Angeles Superior court. In the docs, Driver says he told her to "f*** off and die" on several occasions in her driveway.

He jumped out in front of her car twice and she had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting him ... according to the docs.

Driver says the most recent incident was a week ago when she had her 3 kids in the car. She says she got out of the car and Perelmutter cursed at her, and blew cigar smoke in the children's faces. She doesn't mention any motive for what she calls "aggressive conduct."

Perelmutter must stay 15 yards away from Driver and her kids ... at least until a hearing next month.

For his part, 74-year-old Perelmutter claims Minnie tried to run him down with her car. He admits there's tension between them -- due to an ongoing land dispute -- but claims Minnie's been even more aggressive than him.
