She had another message for the critics: "Stop being so offended by what people post who have zero impact on your life and move on. Maybe you should have more of an attitude of like, let's say… 'oh that's nice he thinks his wife is hot.' I cannot with this overly sensitive society right now."

In true American Idol fashion, Katharine ended with a reference to another superstar, saying, "But as Taylor Swift said haters gonna hate  byyeeee."

​If anything, ​giving birth to Rennie has actually helped Katharine feel "at peace" with her body, she told E! News in October. 

"What I didn't expect was to have the baby and then be so at peace with my body," she said. "I had this, wow, like this huge appreciation of what my body had just done and given me that I wish that I'd given myself a little bit more of that grace through the pregnancy." 

Read more about how motherhood has changed her mindset here, or keep scrolling to relive David and Katharine's love story below.
