We all have a running list of beauty products YouTube made us buy. And while some of those buys have been regrettable or pointless (never again, Flat Tummy Tea), some of them have been so good, I still love to use them today.

Kate Somerville's ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment is one of them. I got put on to this about three years ago while watching Jackie Aina's YouTube channel. She mentioned it among some of her favourite skincare products of 2016, so a few days later, when I saw it hanging out on a beauty giveaway table at work, I snatched it up immediately.

OK, fine, I didn't buy this with my own money. But here's why I would: First of all, this product is a three-in-one. It works as a mask, a scrub, and a peel all at the same damn time. That's because in addition to super-fine granules to physically slough away dead skin, it's also got lactic acid, which acts as a chemical exfoliant. Second, I love the smell. There's a very "natural" scent. It's not perfume-y — it smells more like an herbal remedy shop (you know, the kind with lots of candles in the window) than a pricey skincare product.

I like to use this when my face is really in need of some help or about once a week. I start by putting on the scrub and gently rubbing it in circular motions all over my face while I'm in the shower. Then, as I'm washing my body, shaving (and then washing) my legs, I let it sit for about two minutes.

The tingle is real. You can feel this stuff working, so if you have particularly sensitive skin, I would be careful. My cheeks are the most sensitive part of my face, and I really feel it there, so I am careful to scrub gently so I don't overwhelm my skin. I especially like to use this around my period when my skin is breaking out. It does a great job of getting my face to calm down a little bit, plus the lactic acid makes me look pretty glowy.

Now this ish ain't cheap. Prices run from £21 for a 15ml bottle all the way to £72 for a 60ml bottle. But the point is this stuff is good. Good enough to be worth the coins.
