Hold onto your holistic hats, there's a new beauty trend in town called Indi-beauty and it's about to take over you skincare cabinets.

We know, it's hard to keep up. One minute we're obsessed with K-beauty's cloudless skin and golden phase, then next thing you know we were all over J-beauty's simplistic skincare routines. And now, THIS.

But that's what we're here for, to help you stay up to date on all things beauty and wellness.

What is Indi-beauty?

The origin of Indi-beauty dates back over 6,000 years ago, when Ayurveda (the natural healing system of India) was first practised. "Ayurveda promotes health using natural, nontoxic substances and recognises the important role of the mind and emotions for total mind, body, and spirit", says Vivek Sahni, CEO and Co-founder of Kama Ayurveda.

Indi-beauty follows these Ayurvedic principles, focusing on the potency, purity and efficiency of ingredients (like herbs), and encouraging rituals that take the time to fully appreciate these products and give us a moment in the day where we can step back, relax and pay attention to our skin, hair and body. "It’s about fully immersing in the experience and taking time – acknowledging the scent, the texture and how it makes you feel", says Vivek.

The onus is on long-term remedies rather than 'quick-fixes'. Traded-down beauty secrets, passed from one generation to the next, take precedence over quirky trends (though there's room for those, too).

"The reason there is an aura of intrigue and romanticism surrounding Indian beauty traditions is because the idea of mindfulness and 'slow beauty' is given a lot of respect and attention", explains Vivek. "The inherent character of beauty ingredients and products (their natural textures, consistencies, and aromas) is upheld. As is their impact on hair and skin, through systematic methods of ‘tactile therapy’." In a nutshell, Indi-beauty isn't just skin deep. It's a 360 approach that incorporates mind and body.

What are Doshas?

In order to understand Indi-beauty and Ayurveda, it's important to know about 'Doshas', which are used to define people based on their energies. "Everyone has all three doshas operating in the body (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), however, each individual has different proportions of each. These doshas define characteristics and personalities, and in return can pre-determine the kind of skin, health and mental quirks someone may experience," explains Vivek.

How to identify your Dosha:

Vata skin tends to be dry and thin. The main concerns are usually dehydration and premature ageing. But (bonus) your pores are likely to be small or invisible.

Pitta skin can be sensitive and usually falls into the combination category, with congestion in the T-zone. Thee main concerns are breakouts, redness and inflammation.

Kapha skin is the smoothest, but tends to have larger pores. Common concerns are excess oiliness and blackheads.

Not everyone is the same, and so by determining your 'Dosha', you can tailor your Indi-beauty routine not only to your skin and hair, but your mental characteristics, too.
